Many years of experience producing apples as well as the most modern storage conditions guarantee the produce of the highest quality.


Our extensive activity has let us establish effective and stable working relationships with many domestic and foreign customers


With over 250 hectares of orchards and using the most modern technologies in production and storage,  we can meet the needs of major customers.


The SADEX Fruit Growers Group is one of the leading suppliers of fresh fruit in central Poland.

Farms belonging to the SADEX group span 290 hectares, allowing for the production of approximately 14 000 tons of fruit per year, mostly apples. The Group also boasts cold storage facilities for 8 000 tons of fruit.


  • Idared – medium to large red apple with yellow under-striping
  • Gala – very juicy and sweet fruit, ideal for eating
  • Champion – medium to large apples covered in a non-uniform watery light-red blush covering half of the fruit
  • Jonagold – very large fruit with a yellow-green base colour with red-orange patches
  • Golden Delicious – very juicy, sweet apple with an intensive smell
  • Jonagored – medium to large apple with a round-conical shape and red colouring
  • Empire – shiny with a delicate coating, uniform deep red colour with blush striping
  • Jonaprince (Red Prince) – sweet large fruit covered with an deep washed out dark red blush
  • Conference pear – medium to large fruit with a greenish or yellow matte skin without
  • Alexander Lucas pear – large blunt conical shape with smooth, slightly waxy and shiny skin